NGWA Well Owner Page
Information on installing and maintaining a water well from the National Ground Water Association.
Gary C. Tanko Well Drilling
A summary of the process of locating, drilling, and completing a domestic water well, by a driller in the Sierra Nevada foothills of California.
State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB)
The State Board is the primary agency responsible for writing water resource regulations in California. Most enforcement of the regulations, with the exception of water rights issues, is delegated to the nine Regional Water Quality Control Boards (RWQCBs).
San Francisco Bay Area Reqional Water Quality Control Board (SF Bay RWQCB)
The mission of the Regional Boards is to protect the beneficial uses of the waters of the State by enforcing State regulations. The RWQCB develops and enforces water quality objectives and implementation plans that recognize local differences in climate, topography, geology and hydrology.
California Department of Water Resources (DWR)
Major responsibilities of the DWR are to: 1) Prepare and update the California Water
Plan; 2) Manage the State Water Project; 3) Protect and restore the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, 4) Regulate dams, provide flood protection, and providing flood advisory information; 5) Educate the public about the importance of water and its proper use; and 6) Serve local water needs by providing technical assistance; cooperating with local agencies on water resources investigations; supporting watershed and river restoration programs; encouraging water conservation; exploring conjunctive use of ground and surface water; facilitating voluntary water transfers; and, when needed, operating a State drought water bank.
Groundwater Resources Association of California (GRA)
GRA is the local/state professional organization for groundwater professionals. Visit the GRA web site for local meeting schedules (San Francisco Bay Area meetings are held bimonthly in Oakland), current state legislative updates, technical short course announcements, annual conference information, Hydrovisions journal online, and employment opportunities.
California Groundwater Association (CGA)
CGA is the local/state professional organization for water well drilling and pump contractors, and other groundwater professionals. Get referrals to qualified contractors for well construction, maintenance, or rehabilitation.
National Ground Water Association (NGWA)
NGWA is the national professional organization for both groundwater scientists and engineers and water well drilling and pump contractors. This site has an extensive short course schedule as well as federal legislative updates.